Spring is  approaching.  Now March is nearly upon us. It was a fairly warm winter, except for the blip of a substantial blizzard that has since melted away.
The earliest plants, such as snowdrops and hellebores, have begun to make an appearance. Â Early daffodils, and even some of my tulips, have begun to peek out ever-so-slightly.
Time to get cracking ordering seeds for the community garden.  We picked up the selection they provided this season, so after assessing what’s viable in our stash from last year, we’ll round out the rest of our “potager” with some additional veggies, herbs and annuals. More to come.
What’s on my mind right now is planning a serious overhaul at the home garden.  To start, we had to rather quickly replant our front bed following the installation of new steps and a bluestone walk, to get ahead of the winter freeze.  Time to pause and assess the design.  And, last summer’s drought really took a toll on a grand old rhododendron dividing our front yard from our neighbor’s. Sadly, the rhodi seems to be giving up the ghost. All around, I’m seeing opportunities for moving things or refresh foundation plants.
I’ve already been mulling over the plan of action. Â I’ll need to write it down to make sure it’s not forgotten! Â Check back for updates as these plans unfold.